14 Days Keto Diet Meal Plan: Reduce 3500 Calories In 2 Weeks

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Well, since you’ve decided to follow the ketogenic diet, but you’re not sure what to eat, struggle no more. in this article, you will get a free keto meal plan, tailored to help you reduce 3500 calories within 2 weeks.

What Is A keto Diet?

 The keto diet, also known as a high-fat, low-carb diet is significantly known for helping out in weight loss and improving general health.  The ketogenic diet is a popular choice for those looking to lose weight and improve their health, as it has been proven to help people who desire to shed weight.  However, the ketogenic diet is not for everyone and it is important to consult with a health professional before beginning any diet.

Types Of The ketogenic diet

The keto diet has different methods. These types are made to conveniently suit individuals looking for the benefits of this unique diet.

    Standard Ketogenic Diet: This diet is known to reduce carbs to about 50 grams per day.  This can be difficult to maintain, but it is the most effective type of ketogenic diet for weight loss.

    Cyclical Ketogenic Diet: This involves cycling between periods of high and low carbohydrate intake.  Following a ketogenic diet may be easier than following a standard ketogenic diet, but it may not be effective for weight loss.

    Targeted Ketogenic Diet: This involves consuming more carbohydrates during exercise hours.  This can help improve performance and recovery, but may not be as effective for weight loss as other types of ketogenic diets.

Foods To Eat On A Keto Diet

When you’re on a ketogenic diet, you’ll want to focus on eating moderate fat and protein, and very few carbs.  This means that you will need to find foods that are high in fat and low in carbohydrates, which can be difficult at first.  Some good sources of fats to include in your diet are olive oil, avocado, coconut oil, and whole milk products.  To get protein, you can eat fatty meats, and eggs, not leaving out low-carb vegetables.   

 Foods To Avoid

There are a few mistakes that one can make and should be aware of if they are trying to follow a ketogenic diet. You don’t want to be consuming foods that contain large amounts of sugar, since this could spike your blood sugar levels which is unhealthy for the body, so try avoiding foods like processed and refined carbohydrates. Another thing you want to keep in mind is that protein isn’t necessarily always low-carb friendly because it’s possible that eating too much of it might take you out of ketosis, so try eating healthy, moderate amounts of lean proteins like fish or chicken instead! A third thing to watch out for is unhealthy fats such as those found in trans fats and polyunsaturated fats, which are the worst kinds for your health but also something many people have a hard time limiting their consumption of.

Benefits Of The Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason.  This low-carb, high-fat diet has been shown to offer many health benefits, including weight loss, increased mental clarity, and reduced inflammation.

For those looking to lose weight, the keto diet can be especially effective.  By forcing the body to burn fat for energy instead of carbohydrates, a ketogenic diet can help people shed extra pounds.  And since the diet is very low in carbohydrates, it may be easier to follow than more restrictive diets.

But the ketogenic diet isn’t just about losing weight.  This way of eating has also been shown to be helpful which in turn, leads to several other health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and some types of cancer.

So, if you are looking for a healthy way to lose weight and improve your overall health, then the keto diet may be right for you.

What Is A Keto diet Meal Plan?

The ketogenic diet plan is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that helps promote weight loss.  The diet forces the body to burn fat for energy instead of carbohydrates.  This allows you to lose weight quickly and effectively.

 A ketogenic meal plan typically includes foods such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, and healthy oils.  All of these foods are high in healthy fats and low in carbohydrates.  This combination helps promote weight loss and keeps the body in a state of ketosis as it burns fat for energy.

The ketogenic diet plan is a great way to lose weight quickly and effectively.  It is important to check with your doctor before starting any new diet to make sure it is right for you.

 Tips Before Starting A Ketogenic Meal Plan

If you are considering starting a ketogenic diet, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Make sure you understand what the ketogenic diet is and how it works.  There is a lot of misinformation out there, so you must do your research.
  •  Consult your doctor or registered dietician to see if the ketogenic diet is right for you.  Create a meal plan that fits your lifestyle and preferences.
  • Fill your kitchen with ketogenic foods.  Finally, don’t forget to stay hydrated and supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals.

14-Day Keto Diet Meal Plan.

First week

Day 1:

     Breakfast: keto pumpkin bread (Total calorie = 143.2)

  Lunch: chicken and caesar salad (Total calories = 420)

   Dinner: loaded cauliflower  (Total calories = 250)

 Day 2:

     Breakfast: bulletproof coffee (Total calories = 122)

     Lunch: Avocado toast with a boiled egg. (Total calories = 230)

    Dinner: zucchini noodles and chicken breast (Total calories = 230)

Day 3:

     Breakfast: Sandwich with Keto Sausage (Total calories = 433)

 Lunch: Bacon and avocado (Total calories = 457)

 Dinner: pizza keto. (Total calories = 338)

Day 4:

     Breakfast: bulletproof coffee (Total calories = 122)

     Lunch: Granola with Keto nuts (Total calories = 190)

  Dinner: Easy taco lettuce wrap. (Total calories = 15)

Day 5:

     Breakfast: keto cereal (Total calories = 15)

   Lunch: smoked salmon with avocado filling (Total calories = 233)

   Dinner: keto lasagna. (Total calories = 270)

Day 6:

     Breakfast: bulletproof coffee (Total calories = 122)

     Lunch: Cobb salad with ranch dressing (Total calories = 332.14

     Dinner: chicken and Caeser salad (Total calories = 420)

Day 7:

     Breakfast: Keto Cinnamon Roll (Total calories = 175)

  Lunch: Keto chicken salad (Total calories = 330)

    Dinner: spinach and artichokes. (Total calories = 320)

Week 2

Day 1:

     Breakfast: Keto breakfast casserole (Total calories = 230)

    Lunch: Keto Broccoli Salad (Total calories = 380)

     Dinner: Keto chicken salad (Total calories = 330)

Day 2:

     Breakfast: keto cereal (Total calories = 15)

    Lunch: Cobb salad with ranch dressing (Total calories = 238)

     Dinner: Keto chicken pie with cauliflower crust. (Total calories = 112)

Day 3:

     Breakfast: bulletproof coffee. (Total calories = 122

 Lunch: Smoked salmon with avocado fillings. (Total calories = 307)

     Dinner: Keto pizza with chorizo ​​and salsa. (Total calories = 453)

Day 4:

     Breakfast: Keto Cinnamon Roll. (Total calories = 175)

     Lunch: keto popper. (Total calories = 135)

     Dinner: Keto BBQ Ribs. (Total calories = 276)

Day 5:

     Breakfast: bulletproof coffee. (Total calories = 122)

    Lunch: Keto Cloud BLT. (Total calories = 158)

     Dinner: Keto broccoli salad. (Total calories =325)

Day 6:

     Breakfast: keto pumpkin bread. (Total calories = 270.85)

     Lunch: Portobello hamburger sandwich. (Total calories = 330)

     Dinner: Stroganoff steak with keto mushrooms. (Total calories = 328)

Day 7:

     Breakfast: Keto breakfast casserole (Total calories =275)

     Lunch: Crispy Keto Thai Chicken Salad. (Total calories = 453)

    Dinner: Creamy Tuscan Chicken. (Total calories = 267)


Many people have questions regarding a ketogenic diet before starting. Some people are skeptical about trying this unique diet. They give in more to the negative aspect than the advantages.  In this article, we will look at some questions most people ask about the keto diet.

1. What Is Ketogenic Adaptation And How Does It Feel?

Ketogenic adaptation is the process of your body making the conversion to eliminate carbohydrate dependency and embrace fat burning. I remember how difficult it was for me to feel like my old self again after I first transitioned into a ketogenic diet, but once I got used to this new lifestyle, there wasn’t any going back. Within five days of eliminating carbs from my diet, I stopped having headaches and gained more mental clarity. Of course, everyone’s experience will be different – whether you’re swapping out carbs for additional animal protein or getting rid of dairy – so don’t expect to accomplish this overnight! It can take about 3-4 weeks for some people to fully adapt depending on genetics and personal preference but it is well worth the effort.

2. What Are Keto Flu And Ways To Avoid It?

As much as your body uses glucose as its primary source of energy, it can run just fine on ketones too! When you go into ketosis, the physical weakness or lack of energy that comes with it is a sign that the body will be undergoing a period of transition while adapting to burning fat – this is completely normal, and after adjusting it is identical to being able to run at maximum speeds without ever needing mental fatigue.

 3. How Long Does It Take To Adapt To The Ketogenic Diet?

Most of the research shows that keto-adaptation can be sustained for up to four weeks.  The more you insist on avoiding carbs in the first few weeks of the ketogenic diet, the faster you can overcome the keto problem.  You can also speed it up by engaging in any form of continuous physical activity that forces your body to use up its fat stores.

4. What Does It Mean To Be In Ketosis?

When you are in ketosis, your liver produces higher levels of ketones.  For this to happen, carbohydrates must be sufficiently limited and protein intake must be limited to a certain level, as noted on our Keto and Protein page.  Ketosis can come and go every day, but over time you will learn to stay in keto longer.

5. How Do I Know If I’m In Ketosis?

When the ketogenic diet is followed properly and results are tracked, there are a few signaling signs that show that the body is now producing ketones. Some common indicators include increased mental acuity or brain fog (this may occur after some time or when one first begins following the diet) known as the infamous keto breath, as well as sweet-tasting breath or even mouth ulcers. There are also other home tests people can do such as blood tests, urine tests, and breathalyzer tests to evaluate if adequate levels of ketosis have been reached.

6. What Can Get Me Out Of Ketosis and How Can I Get Back In Quickly?

Staying in ketosis is easy, even when one is eating an unhealthy amount of carbohydrates. This can happen any time a meal with carbs is consumed and may last up to a few hours. Don’t worry; this doesn’t mean you’ve “cheated” on your diet plan. It’s part of successful keto macrobiotic dieting: the carbs are there but you choose to not eat them! And they end up being useful.

7. Will The Diet Help Me Lose Weight And Improve My Blood Sugar Levels?

The suggestion of a low-carb diet for individuals with type 2 diabetes, the ketogenic diet (KD), is a potentially novel approach to attaining near-normal BG levels in those living with this disease.

8. Should I Count Calories Or Limit Them?

Yes, many people who are on ketogenic diets take in fewer calories than the average person. This is due in part to the fact that lowering insulin levels will also lower your body’s ability to use carbohydrates for energy as opposed to burning fat.

9. What Do The Insulin Load And The Glycemic Index Indicate?

It’s important to measure the spikes in blood sugar because they can lead to insulin resistance and eventually diabetes if they occur with too much frequency. The glycemic index (GI) is known for making you informed when food raises blood sugar levels. This measurement system is a simple scale from 1 to 100+ where 100+ represents the body being flooded with glucose and coaxing the pancreas into overproducing insulin as futilely trying to restore balance by taking it out of circulating circulation. When one takes steps towards a ketogenic diet, it is crucial not to eat high GI foods because they aren’t well-suited for sustaining ketosis since glucose is still used as fuel for portions of the brain and body despite being shunned almost entirely as an energy source in the presence of ketone bodies.

10. I Am Physically Active, Can I Follow The Keto Diet?

Many people worry that the ketogenic diet is incompatible with sports. However, science shows that it’s more suitable for a high-energy lifestyle! Studies show that ketones can improve performance. There is one specific group of individuals who often experience the greatest benefits: endurance athletes, who usually require a great deal of glucose and consequently are in the highest risk group for going into ketoacidosis (see below). However, you should either reduce the intensity of the workout or not participate in anything that requires a lot of glucose while you’re trying to adapt to using fat.

 11. Should I Include Carb Refill Days?

The ketogenic diet comes in many forms, with variation occurring in the emphasis on animal products and processed foods as well as the choice between a full or cyclical ketogenic diet. For example, there are four different levels of keto diets distinguished by their carb content. It’s important to understand for yourself which one best suits your personal needs so that you can successfully live a keto lifestyle!

12. What Is The Difference Between A Low-carb Diet And A Ketogenic Diet?

The ketogenic diet is a popular low-carb diet. It differs from other low-carb diets in that it also excludes high-carb foods like grains and starches, even those with high levels of fiber. The ketogenic diet includes lots of fat but little protein. People on the ketogenic diet have to keep track of their intake so they don’t consume too many carbohydrates.



13. Can I Practice Intermittent Fasting On A Keto Diet?

If you want your keto diet to be successful, you will have to give it some time. To increase your ketone levels and burn fat successfully, it is important to first get accustomed to a state of ketosis before adding intermittent fasting to help your body adapt. If you are taking type 2 diabetes medications, it can have adverse effects on your blood sugar levels and cause hypoglycemia if not monitored accordingly during the fasting periods. It may also make existing issues more difficult or problematic because of the increased frequency of hypoglycemic episodes that may lead one to believe they have developed diabetes which is not true in all cases at all times. This is why being mindful of one’s health condition during this fast-paced weight loss process should constantly be taken into consideration so as not to hamper the efficacy and ultimate success of one’s goals.


The ketogenic diet is a low-carb diet, which turns the body into a fat-burning machine.  When insulin levels are low, fat burning can increase dramatically.  It becomes easier to reach fat stores to burn them.  This is great if you’re trying to lose weight, but there are other less obvious benefits as well, like reduced hunger and a steady supply of energy.  This can help you stay alert and focused.  Some people also experience more restful sleep.

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